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TMJ disorder or temporomandibular joint disorder refers to a variety of conditions that affect the jaw muscles and nerves around the facial area. Symptoms (on one or both sides of the face) to look out for range from a ear pain without infection, jaw pain or soreness, jaw pain when you chew or bite, a clicking sound when you open or close your jaw and sensitive teeth.

At Gravity Dental Poly Clinic, we prefer to treat TMJ disorders as non-invasively as possible with pain killers or muscle relaxants. In other scenarios we may provide you with a nighttime mouth guard. Most of our patients have experienced relief with minor corrections in their lifestyle and habits. But should you feel your issues are more severe, please do call us to book a consultation.

Meet our Doctors

Your smile deserves the best care from our core specialists. Say goodbye to hefty bills! We offer affordable dental solutions without compromising on excellence.

Our Clinic Advantages:

Dr. Suresh Prabakaran

Dr. Suresh Prabakaran

Specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Implantologist

Dr. Rajarajeswari

Dr. Rajarajeswari

General Dentist

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